Coffee Is Our Passion, Our Fun And Part Of Our Identity. Join Our Family. Join The Fun.

Coffee Is Our Passion, Our Fun And Part Of Our Identity. Join Our Family. Join The Fun.
We are the Lindborg Family, Stacy, Johan, Emma and Cooper. We decided to start a business that focuses on giving back to the Down syndrome community. We give back in two ways:
1. We want to financially support Down syndrome (DS) research and non-profit organizations providing support and leadership to the DS community (currently we’re donating $1 per sold item to MDSC (Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress), a very powerful advocacy organization.
2. We want to offer job opportunities to people with Down syndrome.
Why are we passionate about Down Syndrome? Very simple – 10 years ago our 2nd child was born. We call him Super Cooper and he embodies this nickname in every possible way. Cooper is an amazing, bright, funny, loving and stubborn 10-year-old who was also born with an extra chromosome and has Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. He has enriched every aspect of our lives and because of him we are part of an amazing community of people that we wouldn’t have otherwise had the honor of knowing. If you’re lucky enough to spend time with him, you will come away more joyful than you arrived. He loves to give hugs, and when he thinks the time is right, everyone in the room will get hugs in several rounds! He also has a great sense of humor and can be devious at time. He has a communication device that helps him to talk, and his teacher had to remove the button that says the word “yuck” because he was using it too frequently. Well, that didn’t stop Cooper, he figured out you can spell out the word yuk… and is back to his funny ways of using this word.

As a parent you wonder from time to time how your children will fit into the world. What role will they play, what jobs will they have? Being a parent of a child with Down syndrome makes you think about these questions more often. As we see it, you can either wait and hope that something good will materialize or you could do something about it. We want to create opportunities!
Thank you for your interest in coffee from It is both exciting and frightening to start your own business. Exciting because you think you have something good to share with the world as well as fear that you may not reach the right customers! Thank you for believing in us!

Oh, we forgot our security department! Prince and Duke are on a continuous watch for any malfeasance! At least most of the time….